...cookin' time with CiCi (pants optional) ...
...and of course, lots and lots of books.
...(I had to).
Mutware takes a little dust bath to cool down...
On the way back to the lodge, the hits kept rolling with this gorgeous sunset...
... and moonrise (Good night, moon)...
...and sunrise the next day over Lake Ihema. The border of Tanzania is just across the lake.
The next morning, we got up early for another adventure out in the park. Ryder manned the roof hatch, lookin' for action.
Jimmy, our guide and driver, caught up with some of the security patrolmen while we were stopped. These guys camp for days on end and walk the park, keeping it free from poachers.
Of of their last stops was to the beautiful Nyungwe Forest Lodge. This place just keeps getting better! Their roads are full of the best rocks, the food is great, and if you listen, you can hear a chimp or two in the distance. The rooms aren't too bad, either. Ryder's favorite, as you might guess, is the part about the rocks and the road...
Whoa! Straighten that thing up!
Whew, that was a close one. Once off the trail in the sky, we meandered our way back, up and down the trails.
The next morning belonged to Dad and I and the forest. Chimpanzee trek. It ended up being quite a hike, since the group we were watching was moving a bit. We powered through, though, since the view was just too good to pass up.
As you might imagine, it's rare that Dad can't find a golf course when he travels. Kigali was no exception. First (and only) stop - Kigali Golf Club. Into the pro shop (below) to rent some clubs for the day. Too bad they don't have any carts. Turns out walking this course at 5,000 ft. above sea level can wear on a guy, but we had fun regardless!