Monday, August 22, 2011

Touching down

Wow. 20 hours later, and one extremely sleepy babe in tow, we made it. Why we didn't figure out that Ryder would sleep much better on the floor than trying to manage in the seat is totally beyond us, but at least we did make this discovery on the second flight. So much better! Our time zone readjustment has begun in earnest with the critter and it's no walk in the park. We'll make it though...

Gorgeous weather and unusual early afternoon rain bursts are making the transition nice, at least on the weather front. For those that have never known, the weather here hangs between 60 and 80 pretty much year-round. And, at about 5,000 ft. in elevation, surrounded by hills, it's a pretty great spot to find yourself in. I will load pictures as soon as I'm able so you can get an idea.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Blogs! I don't subscribe to any and visit only a few, but yours will be a weekly visit so keep things fresh and exciting. Miss you guys already - SF is a void. The Tartine banana creme pies are nothing without your living room to eat them in.
