Monday, April 1, 2013

The Jones Clans come to Cali

The NYC Joneses were the first to make it out to HMB.  Amazing times ensued.

There just are no words.  Watch out, touring family band circuit!

Hiking time in the redwoods, counting banana slugs and havin' cousin time.

Next up was Cici and Poppa to see Aspen and Ryder (and the rest of us too).

Last but not least, Anne made a solo visit for some quality kiddo time.

This new family of four!


  1. Mr. Jones - Been a long time, sir!

    My number has changed.

    Shoot me an email with your phone number/email so we can stay in touch.

    Beautiful family you got there!


  2. Hey you guys...loving the pictures, miss those west coast trees! sending you positive vibes for a smooth transition back to Kigs. big love, SEO
