Hello again, it's Ryder. After a good stretch, it's time to bid adieu to our old friend, the Serena Hotel. It was a good run. There's Mom and I on check out day (above). We've had some good times, so I've collected a few pictures showing my day to day activities with Dad and Mom and, well, the Serena. I tried as hard as I could to get them to hire me. I showed them quite a range of skills, impressed them with my gregarious spirit, and made sure that everyone knew where I was. Some said I was the ambassador of the hotel. From where I was sitting, it didn't matter. I owned this joint.


Ronnie is my good friend (above). His Mama is making me a suit just like this! We go way back.

David at the door says I remind him of his own son, just a month younger than me.
The longer we stayed here, the more it seemed like I could help out, y'know? Everywhere I went, I tried to pitch in. It never hurts to make sure everyone knows you mean business. Here I am at the pool...

...working the front desk...

..."he said the tikka masala, you fool, not the fish and chips!"...

Lots of hallways in here. Many hands make light work, right? I also helped out in the parking lot.

...some people say I'm a born supervisor. But sometimes, you have to step in and just make it happen.

Pool furniture inspection day. My favorite.

(Dad always finds a flower somewhere.)

They even brought out the band for me one day. What a place!

Of course, there was plenty of time in the room, just playing with stuff, and making sure Dad was good and tired.

I got a lot of reading time with Mom. She's a good reader.

On September 11th, we all watched the TV for a little while. It was sad.

Hey, Dada.

I made it to the elephant ride at the supermarket. Who knew a bundle of grapes could be $9?

All this work can wear a guy out, obviously, so I had to make due with whatever seat was around. I can't sit still too long, though. Pretty soon, you just have to charge on.

Kiss, kiss, Serena. Hello new house!

The yard's just heaven.

And my favorite red chair is here. Pretty sweet. Aside from eating on the floor every now and then, I love this place. Everything['s great until...

...the power goes out. Luckily, we have flashlights.

I'll end with a very special morning sunrise in our backyard. This was Mom's birthday. Almost as beautiful has her! She even got a rainbow on her birthday. Lucky!