Friday, September 30, 2011

Life in the new house.

Life in the new house is, how you say... coming along. Ryder is pretty keen on his counter perch (in lieu of a kitchen table) and it's really easy for him to just toss his dirty dishes over to the sink. Not bad. Now, if I can only teach him how to use the coffee maker (at left in the corner) while I'm making his breakfast. A man can dream, right?

There's plenty of good running lanes.

The picture below was one of the most triumphant moments to date in the new house - our first load of laundry after we landed in Kigali. No joke, it was over a month. Since the hotel was charging some ungodly amount like $3 per sock to wash anything, we made some careful decisions as to what got washed. (Basically, anything with poo on it. TMI?) Anyway, with the new washer installed, it was a glorious day to hang tiny socks.

Some of our favorite noisy yard inhabitants - a group of speckled mousebirds.

Hanging out on the balcony, looking for beetles.

Whaddaya mean it's a rainy season?

Oh, I see.

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