In the airport at Amsterdam, Mom showed me how to do some stretches so that I could sleep better. In return, I showed her how to act like a donkey:
When we boarded our next flight for Kigali, I stared out the window for a long time as we took off into the clouds.
Midway through the flight, Mom and I had a heart to heart, and I promised her that I would sleep more than 45 minutes on this flight. My only condition was that Dad had to make a bed out of the floor and cover it with a blanket like a tent. It worked and we were all happy.
Once we landed in Kigali, we stayed in a temporary apartment for 3 nights. It was funny, because the nights seemed pretty much like the day time. I was awake, but I had to try to go to sleep. It was no fun. Mom was able to take a picture of me during the daytime, when I was a bit cuckoo and Dad was a zombie.
After the apartment, Mom and Dad decided we should go to a hotel, where people made food for us and we could use things like 'the internet', a pool, and a gym. It was a great idea. We're still here now, and one of my favorite things to do is to walk around the front and check out the cool fountain. It's a great place to gather my thoughts, contemplate life, and plot my next move. The inside of the hotel is also a great place to explore. the pool chairs...
...and one of my favorite times of day: food time in the room!
Usually followed by a good book.
I've already figured out how to call my favorite people. But for some reason, Phoebe just won't take my calls. I sure hope she's taking care of our old house!
One of my favorite things to do is walk around the hotel grounds, which are pretty much like a big botanical garden. It's full of great tropical birds:
A pair of Ross's Turacos.

The gray crowned crane (at a different hotel).
One day, we went to our new house. I got to check out the yard.
People here are really friendly to me. I've met a few little friends, and more security guards.
Dad and I are going on walks into town and the neighborhoods nearby, where there's usually construction of some kind. I like walking around, finding sticks, and making friends with the people on steamrollers.
I even got to watch some men play a game I'd never seen before - cricket! The men even let me hold the cricket bat after their ball went over a fence. I had fun.
I'm even getting to go on play dates already. Dad met a nice family walking one day with their son, and we went to their friend's house this week. It was pretty much heaven, since they had their own sand box and cool cars to sit in.
holy macanolie! i am so excite for you all. i kept check (stalking) the old blog and was getting crickets...little did i know you were already stomping around in africa!!! i'm a little slow on the catch up but so excited for you guys. i may not do facebook but i can check a blog about 10x a day for a new post, so don't forget i'm out here following along anxiously at the adventures of the jones/bakers! lots of love from SD! xoxo, k